The Fiero 35th Anniversary Celebration presented by Blacktop Racing has 4 days of fun scheduled August 9th-12th, 2018. Local Fiero owner Garry Kay has arranged for something special for Thursday evening. Please join us as we depart from our host hotel at 4:00 PM to drive along the lovely Grandview Drive. The drive runs along the Illinois River bluffs. We will take in the scenic sites and provide several photo opportunities for owners to capture their Fieros against a beautiful backdrop. Just how nice is Grandview Drive? President Theodore Roosevelt referred to it as “the world’s most beautiful drive” during a 1910 visit to Peoria.

The cruise will take us 30 miles on a 45 minute drive to “The 50s Diner” at the Metro Center (Peoria) where we will meet up with local car club the Central Illinois Cruisers for a joint cruise night. The “Cruisers” are incorporated as a non-profit organization and believe in bringing together people and families who enjoy classic cars, having as much fun as possible, and giving back to the community! The 50s Diner (where Breakfast and Sarcasm are served all day) and Metro Center will have a parking area specifically reserved for our Fieros. What better way to kick off your first full day of celebrating the 35th Anniversary of the Pontiac Fiero than with food, fun and Fieros?
Register now for Blacktop Racing presents the 35th Anniversary Fiero Celebration at